SkinBaron Float Value. The picture shows the M4A4 Assimov in Battle Scarred and Factory New.

Alles über Float Value in Counter-Strike 2

The rarity and visual appeal of Counter-Strike skins can significantly impact their market value. One crucial but often overlooked factor in determining a skin’s worth is its float value. In this article, we’ll explore what float values are and how they affect skin prices in the world of Counter-Strike.


Understanding Float Value

The float value of a Counter-Strike skin is a numerical representation of the wear and tear on that particular skin. It ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 being the best possible condition (Factory New) and 1 being the worst (Battle-Scarred). Each float represents a specific level of wear, and as the value increases, so does the visible wear and scratches on the skin.

The float value is unique to every skin and determines the visual condition of that skin in your inventory and during gameplay. While some skins might look pristine with a low float value, others could appear battered and worn with a higher one. This wear and tear are essential for creating a diverse and realistic in-game environment, but they also have a significant impact on skin prices.

List of the five different float values in Counter-Strike. Starting with Factory new as the best/lowest float value and ending with Battle-Scarred.

Float Value and Skin Prices

Float values play a crucial role in determining the market value of Counter-Strike skins. The general rule is that skins with less wear tend to be more valuable and sought after, while those with more wear and scratches are typically less desirable and therefore less expensive. Here’s how float values affect skin prices:

  1. Rarity and Desirability: Factory New (0.00 to 0.07) and Minimal Wear (0.07 to 0.15) skins are considered the most desirable because they look almost brand new. Collectors and players often seek these skins, driving up their prices. As the condition gets worse, the skin’s rarity and desirability decrease, leading to lower prices.
  2. Exterior Quality: The float value also impacts the exterior quality of the skin. Factory New and Minimal Wear skins have the best exterior quality, with fewer visible scratches and wear. Battle-Scarred skins, with higher float, have a more aged and battered appearance, making them less attractive to buyers.
  3. Trade-Ups: Skin trading is a common practice in CS. Players often use skin trade-up contracts to exchange lower-quality skins for a chance to obtain higher-quality ones. Skins in a good condition are more likely to yield better results in these trade-up contracts, making them more valuable in the trading community.

Was sind die “Float”-Werte in CS:GO?

Fabrikneu 0.00 – 0.07
Minimale Gebrauchsspuren 0.07 – 0.15
Einsatzerprobt 0.15 – 0.38
Abgenutzt 0.38 – 0.45
Kampfspuren 0.45 – 1.00

Kann sich der “Float”-Wert verändern?

While graffities have limited uses, weapon finishes in CS don’t degrade. Once the skin is unboxed from a case, dropped or created via a tradeup contract the game will randomly define the condition of the new skin and assign it. The skin’s float value will always stay the same. You can drop your skin, sell it, put stickers on it or play it as much as you want, the condition will stay the same.


In the world of Counter-Strike, the float value is a hidden factor that can significantly impact skin prices. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s also about rarity, desirability, and potential for investment. Understanding how float values work and their effect on skin prices is crucial for players, traders, and collectors who want to navigate the complex and ever-evolving Counter-Strike 2 skin market. Whether you’re in it for the looks or the investment potential, float values are a critical aspect of your skin journey.