de_thera / de_santorini Counter-Strike 2

The Evolution of de_santorini to de_thera in Counter-Strike 2

In the world of Counter-Strike, maps are more than just battlegrounds; they are immersive environments that contribute to the strategy, pacing, and overall experience of the game. Among these, de_santorini stands out as a map that captured the vibrant essence of the Greek Isles, offering players a visual and tactical feast. However, like many maps in the competitive scene, de_santorini underwent a transformation to improve gameplay and balance, emerging as the reworked de_thera. This article delves into the journey of this map from its original design to its modern reimagining.

de_thera / de_santorini in Counter-Strike 2
de_thera Mid

The Birth of de_santorini

Released in March 2016 as part of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Operation Wildfire, de_santorini was the brainchild of two well-known map creators: FMPONE (Shawn Snelling) and Volcano (Salvatore Garozzo). Drawing inspiration from the iconic Greek island of Santorini, the map was immediately recognizable for its striking white and blue architecture, narrow alleyways, and scenic ocean views.

The map’s aesthetic appeal was undeniable. It transported players to a sun-soaked Mediterranean paradise, a stark contrast to the more industrial or urban settings that dominated CS:GO‘s map pool at the time. However, while its visual design was lauded, de_santorini faced criticism regarding its gameplay.

de_thera / de_santorini A Spot Counter-Strike 2
de_thera A Spot

Challenges of de_santorini

Despite its beauty, de_santorini struggled to find a permanent place in the competitive rotation. Players found that its intricate design, while visually appealing, led to issues with flow and balance. The narrow pathways and dense layout created chokepoints that made it difficult for teams to execute strategies smoothly. Additionally, the map’s complex design could overwhelm newer players, leading to a steep learning curve.

These issues led to de_santorini being gradually phased out of active rotation, despite its potential. However, the map’s creators weren’t ready to give up on it. Recognizing both its strengths and weaknesses, they embarked on a mission to rework the map, maintaining its unique charm while addressing the gameplay concerns.

de_thera B Spot Counter-Strike 2
de_thera B Spot

The Rebirth: Introducing de_thera

In 2023, the Counter-Strike community was introduced to de_thera, the reimagined version of de_santorini. Named after the ancient name of Santorini, Thera, this new iteration retained the original map’s stunning aesthetic but with significant gameplay adjustments that aimed to rectify the issues that had plagued its predecessor.

Key Changes in de_thera

  1. Streamlined Layout: One of the most significant changes in de_thera was the simplification of the map’s layout. The rework focused on improving flow and reducing the number of narrow choke points. This allowed for smoother rotations and more strategic play, addressing one of the main complaints about de_santorini.
  2. Balanced Bomb Sites: The bomb sites in de_thera were redesigned to provide more balanced opportunities for both Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists. The new layouts offered better cover, more viable planting spots, and fairer entry points, leading to more dynamic and competitive gameplay.

While it remains to be seen if de_thera will become a staple in the official competitive rotation, it has certainly earned its place in the hearts of many players who admired the original but sought a more polished experience.


The evolution of de_santorini into de_thera is a testament to the dedication of the Counter-Strike mapping community. It demonstrates how feedback and iterative design can transform a good idea into something truly exceptional. For players who fell in love with the beauty of Santorini but were frustrated by its gameplay, de_thera offers a perfect blend of form and function. As the map continues to gain traction, it serves as an example of how maps in Counter-Strike can evolve and improve, all while retaining the magic that made them special in the first place.