PGL Major Pick'Em Prediction Update

Valve releases Pick’Em Challenge for first CS2 major

As the Counter-Strike world eagerly anticipates the first-ever Counter-Strike 2 Major, the buzz surrounding the PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 is reaching a fever pitch. With the tournament set to kick off on March 17th, players and fans alike are gearing up for an epic showdown among the best CS2 teams in the world. Adding to the excitement is the reintroduction of the Pick’Em Challenge, a beloved feature from its predecessor, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), making its debut in CS2.

The Pick’Em Challenge, a staple of CS:GO’s major tournaments, has now been introduced to Counter-Strike 2, allowing players to engage in the thrill of predicting match outcomes and cheering for their favorite teams. The announcement came alongside the launch of the Copenhagen Major Hub, a central hub for all things related to the upcoming tournament.

The Copenhagen Major Hub serves as the focal point for fans looking to immerse themselves in the tournament experience. Here, players can access the Pick’Em Challenge, the Copenhagen 2024 Viewer Pass, Souvenirs, and soon-to-be-released Team and Player stickers. Notably, 50% of the proceeds from tournament items are shared with players and organizations, demonstrating a commitment to supporting the competitive CS2 community.

Once the tournament starts you can also spend 2,85€ to select any game you like in order to receive a Souvenir Package instead of having of having to buy so called Major Tokens first. You can still get these Tokens from challenges, but it is no longer necessary to own them to collect souvenir packs.

Everyone can participate in the Pick’Em Challenge

One of the most exciting aspects of the Pick’Em Challenge is its accessibility. While previously requiring an active pass to participate, the latest update has made the challenge available to all players with Prime status at no additional cost. This democratization of the Pick’Em Challenge opens the doors for more players to engage with the tournament and test their predictive skills.

However, players who wish to complete challenges and earn rewards from each stage of the event will still need to activate their pass before the stage begins. This ensures that those who are fully invested in the tournament experience have the opportunity to reap the full benefits of their participation.

Participating in the Pick’Em Challenge not only offers players the chance to showcase their knowledge of the CS2 competitive scene but also presents an opportunity to earn rewards and enhance their Copenhagen 2024 Coin. Additionally, active pass holders will have their performance tracked on the Active Pass Leaderboard, allowing them to compare their Pick’Em Challenge success with friends and fellow players.

As the countdown to the PGL Copenhagen 2024 Major draws to a close, excitement and anticipation continue to build within the Counter-Strike community. With the introduction of the Pick’Em Challenge and the unveiling of the Copenhagen Major Hub, players and fans alike are primed for an unforgettable tournament experience. So, whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the scene, now is the time to place your picks, rally behind your favorite teams, and witness history in the making as the first-ever Counter-Strike 2 Major unfolds.

Release Notes for 13.03.2024:


  • The Copenhagen Major Hub is now available. Visit the hub to purchase tournament items, play the Pick’Em Challenge and more.
  • Purchase a Copenhagen 2024 Viewer Pass to receive an upgradable Copenhagen 2024 Coin. With an active pass, you can upgrade your coin and earn extra souvenir packages by playing the Pick’Em Challenge. Additionally, you will show up on the Active Pass Leaderboard where you can compare your Pick’Em Challenge performance to your friends.
  • All players with Prime status can place Pick’Em picks for free! However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from an event stage, you will have to activate a Viewer Pass before that stage begins.


  • Adjusted molotov fire to address a case where a player who could see through fire could not be seen by their opponent.