Best practice commands for counter-strike 2

Die besten Practice Commands für Counter-Strike 2

Mit der Veröffentlichung von Counter-Strike 2 ist es viel einfacher geworden, die verschiedenen Granaten-Lineups zu üben, die man für den Erfolg braucht. Während du früher alle möglichen Befehle einrichten musstest, kannst du heute einfach auf einen Übungsserver springen und anfangen, Granaten zu werfen. Aber es gibt immer noch eine Menge Befehle, die dir das Leben während deiner Übungsroutine erleichtern können.

CommandWas er bewirkt
sv_cheats 1The most important command, since you won’t be allowed to use any of the following if you don’t allow cheats to be used on the practice server.
sv_inifinite_ammo 1If you forgot to enable infinite money in the main menu, you can also enable this function via your console.
noclipFlying through walls is always easier than running. This allows you to fly anywhere you. Most people bind this function to a key in order to toggle it on and off (bind v noclip – This will bind noclip to your V key)
godWhen flying around or throwing grenades you will eventually take damage. Make yourself invincible with this easy command.
killSimply kill yourself ingame with this command.
sv_rethrow_last_grenadeTo check if your grenade actually flies like you want you can rethrow them using this command. Binding this to a key might be easier than typing it in.
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1;mp_respawn_on_death_t 1This command allows you to instantly respawn after you died.
mp_roundtime 60Instead of short rounds you will now have one hour of uniterrupted gametime with this command. You can also use the main menu settings to make the warmup infinitly long.
changelevel [map code]If you want to play a different map without going back to the main menu you can use this command.
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview trueEnable to the grenade preview camera. Shows you a small picture in picture with the spot where your grenade will land.
r_drawOtherModels 2Draws an outline around other players and bots on the server for you to see them through walls.
mp_buy_anywhere 1Allows you to buy anywhere on the map

So kontrollierst du Bots im Practice Mode

CommandWas er bewirkt
bot_addAdds a bot to your practice session
bot_kickKicks all active bots on your practice server
bot_placeSpawns a bot on the exact location you are looking at
bot_stop 1Stops all bot movement
bot_mimic 1Force all bots to mimic your movement inputs

Für die meisten Granaten-Lineups wirst du einen Jump-Throw-Bind benötigen. Check doch mal unseren Guide aus, um zu erfahren, wie du einen solchen Bind einrichtest. Du kannst außerdem dir die SmokeBaron App auf dein Smartphone holen und damit ganz leicht neue Lineups lernen.