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The best workshop maps for Counter-Strike 2

For decades, community created maps and content has been an important pillar for Counter-Strike. A few weeks after the official release of Counter-Strike it is once again possible to access the Steam workshop and enjoy the communities creations.

The best workshop maps for practice

One the most usefull aspects of community maps are the various practice maps. Since Counter-Strike is known for being easy to learn, but hard to master, it is essential for players to train their skills. From recoil control to training your muscle memory for perfect entry frags, there are a ton of different maps available that help you to become a better player.

Overview of the Counter-Strike 2 workshop map Assembly. You can see an airplane assembly line on the picture.

Best looking workshop maps

Obviously there are also maps for game modes like Wingman or the classic bomb defusal available on Steam. On one hand there are recycled maps like Biome or Mutiny, that we already know from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. With their new, updated graphics they look even better in CS2 than before. On the other hand there also already a few completly new maps the community has created for Counter-Strike 2. One of the best looking maps is Assembly, which takes place in an aircraft assembly line.

Overview of the Counter-Strike 2 workshop map fy_pool_day. You can see the pool in the picture as well as some toys.Returning classics

One of the hardest parts of the Counter-Strike 2 release is the fact, that the many maps that have been created for CS:GO over the years will no longer be compatible. But since the reintroduction of the workshop, many legendary maps have already received a CS2 update by their creators.

Screenshot from the Counter-Strike 2 workshop map "crashz' crosshair generator"Usefull community maps

With community maps being an historic part of the Counter-Strike franchise it comes with no surprise that there are also a few purley functional maps with no further gameplay value. The most popular ones are the crosshair and viewmodel generator maps by crashz. On these maps you don’t play against other players but instead use them to change the settings of your crosshair or viewmodel without having to dig through a ton of commands.