Head Shot

Powerful and reliable, the AK-47 is one of the most popular assault rifles in the world. It is most deadly in short, controlled bursts of fire.
It has been custom painted with a \"HEAD SHOT GUN\" graffiti and finished with pearlescent coating.Everyone has goals, but are you willing to put in the work to achieve them? - Booth, Arms Dealer

This item only drops in states between 0% and 100% (Factory New to Battle-Scarred).

Head Shot

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Head Shot

Powerful and reliable, the AK-47 is one of the most popular assault rifles in the world. It is most deadly in short, controlled bursts of fire.
It has been custom painted with a \"HEAD SHOT GUN\" graffiti and finished with pearlescent coating.Everyone has goals, but are you willing to put in the work to achieve them? - Booth, Arms Dealer

This item only drops in states between 0% and 100% (Factory New to Battle-Scarred).