With our SkinBaron API you can automate processes on our marketplace such as buying, selling and canceling offers.
You need our approval to use the API. For this, please sign into steam and write us a support ticket, or send a mail to [email protected] including your nickname and your SkinBaron API request.
To ensure maximum security every single API functionality can be switched off and on individually.
You can find a detailed documentation for the API at: https://skinbaron.de/misc/apidoc/
Your benefits with us
On SkinBaron.de, you pay on average 30% less for CS2 skins than on the community marketplace1 million CS2 skins
Discover a variety of CS2 skins and save real money with our marketplace filtersReal money
Or simply sell your CS2 skins for real money and then have the funds transferred to you via bank transfer.Skin trades
Manage your CS2 skins, payouts, and sales quickly and easily in your SkinBaron profile - your hub for CS2 skin trades.3D viewer
With our 3D viewer, you can take a detailed look at the CS2 skins that interest you before making a purchase. Support +
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