Safari Mesh

Relatively unchanged in its design since World War II, the bayonet still retains a place in modern military strategy. Bayonet charges have continued to be effective as recently as the second Gulf War and the war in Afghanistan.
It has been spray-painted using mesh fencing and cardboard cutouts as stencils.A predator is a predator, no matter the environment

This item only drops in states between 0% and 100% (Factory New to Battle-Scarred).

Safari Mesh

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Safari Mesh

Relatively unchanged in its design since World War II, the bayonet still retains a place in modern military strategy. Bayonet charges have continued to be effective as recently as the second Gulf War and the war in Afghanistan.
It has been spray-painted using mesh fencing and cardboard cutouts as stencils.A predator is a predator, no matter the environment

This item only drops in states between 0% and 100% (Factory New to Battle-Scarred).