Pit Viper

High risk and high reward, the infamous AWP is recognizable by its signature report and one-shot, one-kill policy.
It has been painted with a snakeskin patterned hydrographic.I know you don't believe in the cause...and when I expose you, Valeria will have your head - The Shield and The Serpent Part 1

This item only drops in states between 8% and 50% (Minimal Wear to Battle-Scarred).

Pit Viper

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This item only drops in states between 8% and 50% (Minimal Wear to Battle-Scarred).

Pit Viper

High risk and high reward, the infamous AWP is recognizable by its signature report and one-shot, one-kill policy.
It has been painted with a snakeskin patterned hydrographic.I know you don't believe in the cause...and when I expose you, Valeria will have your head - The Shield and The Serpent Part 1

This item only drops in states between 8% and 50% (Minimal Wear to Battle-Scarred).