Emerald Quartz

A fully automatic variant of the CZ75, the CZ75-Auto is the ideal short-term choice for turning the tables and gaining your opponents weapon. But with very little ammo in the magazine, strong trigger discipline is required.
It has been painted with green metallic paint and uses a crystallizing mask to create a pattern.Everyone wants to make an impact

This item only drops in states between 0% and 70% (Factory New to Battle-Scarred).

Emerald Quartz

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Emerald Quartz

A fully automatic variant of the CZ75, the CZ75-Auto is the ideal short-term choice for turning the tables and gaining your opponents weapon. But with very little ammo in the magazine, strong trigger discipline is required.
It has been painted with green metallic paint and uses a crystallizing mask to create a pattern.Everyone wants to make an impact

This item only drops in states between 0% and 70% (Factory New to Battle-Scarred).